WordPress is Great for SEO
because Google loves it and so do we!
Building a site on the WordPress CMS has many different pros and cons, but one major benefit to using WordPress is how well WordPress sites rank in Google.
Google just plain old likes it.
I have witnessed this phenomenon time and time again, but it just seems that WordPress websites seem to rank better in Google search results, even in competitive keyword markets. I have seen this happen with some of my own clients sites when migrating their sites from plain HTML to WordPress, their rankings seem to increase with just simply switching over to WordPress. Google looks a lot of different factors when determining a ranking of a site and with the speed, security, and overall construction of the WordPress architecture, Google loves WordPress sites!
WordPress is fast. (when used properly)
Google loves websites that load quickly and WordPress is designed to deliver content in a speedy manner. Google will rank slow sites lower than sites that have speedy load times, and with WordPress we can achieve quick load times with ease. I use WordPress in conjunction with WP Total Cache and Site 5 hosting for best results.
WordPress is easy to crawl.
Whether you know it or not Google sends out little spiders to crawl your site periodically to help rank your site, and WordPress makes it easy for these little guys to browse your content. Crawlability is a crucial part to your search engine rankings and with the way WordPress is designed and constructed the little Google spiders find it very easy to index and rank your site.
WordPress SEO plugins.
One of the greatest features of WordPress is its vast plugin repository and ability to add functionality with the simple installation of a plugin. One of my favorite plugins is the WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast. This is literally the best SEO plugin for WordPress hands down and I use it on every single WordPress site that I create. This plugin covers all the bases when it comes to SEO and if you use it correctly and get that “green light” your pages will rank high, guaranteed!
So what does this all mean?
The long and short of it is WordPress is great for SEO and if implemented and designed correctly, a WordPress website will outrank any other site on any other CMS without a doubt. If you are interested in more information or are looking for a new website, drop us a line we would love to help you get your new WordPress site up and running.